Rav Avi Zakutinsky’s Sefarim
Rav Avi Zakutinsky is the author of the Hebrew Seforim Umekareiv Biyamin (3 volumes) on halachic questions posed to those in kiruv and The Gates of Joy, an English Sefer on the laws and customs of the Jewish wedding. He currently teaches at Yeshivas Hashevaynu in Queens. You can see more of his writings on halacha at halachablog.com. If you have any questions or comments, please email him at avizakutinsky@gmail.com
Umekareiv Biyamin - Sefer on Kiruv (3 volumes) ומקרב בימין
This Hebrew sefer is titled “Umekareiv Biyamin” and is an in depth analysis of the most commonly asked questions posed to kiruv rabbanim. Some topics discussed in this sefer include whether to perform a pidyon haben when one does not know if the child is a kohen, levi or yisrael, attending a wedding in a conservative synagogue, using secular tunes for davening, naming children after non-observant Jews and whether a person who is now a Baal Teshuva can recite Kaddish for a parent who had passed away before he became religious.
Volume 1 - Download for free | Read online
Volume 2 - Download for free | Read online
Volume 3 - Available for sale, contact rabbi Avi for more information - Online form - Email
The Gates Of Joy - The Laws And Customs Of The Jewish Wedding
This book can walk any couple through the exciting time of engagement and marriage and guide them through the minhagim and halachos that this stage in life introduces them to.
This new sefer, created for both the layman and Rabbi alike, elucidates and explains the halachos and customs of Ashkenazim, Sephardim, and Chassidim, including Chabad Chassidim.
This 400 page hardcover sefer ensures that every couple can travel through this special time confident that they are following all of our beautiful mesorah that make this time truly joyous.
Available for sale, contact rabbi Avi for more information - Online form - Email